LEGO® Serious Play® vs. Service Design. Innovative methods for designing solutions

LEGO® Serious Play® vs. Service Design. Innovative methods for designing solutions

LEGO® Serious Play® and Service Design are methods aimed at supporting creative thinking and improving solutions. Both approaches have their unique characteristics and applications, but there are also significant differences between them. Let’s take a closer look at how LEGO Serious Play and Service Design differ.

LEGO Serious Play – creating through play

LSP is a method that uses LEGO® bricks as a tool for uncovering potential and generating creative solutions. Designed by the LEGO Group in the 1990s, this method has become a popular tool in management, problem-solving, and building effective communication within teams. The core idea of LEGO Serious Play is to use LEGO bricks as a means of expression, allowing participants to convey their thoughts, ideas, and emotions in an unconventional way.

The LEGO Serious Play process revolves around constructing models with LEGO bricks in response to specific questions or challenges. Participants tell stories and explain their models, enabling the exploration of different perspectives and understanding of diverse viewpoints. This method encourages the full use of participants’ potential and helps to reveal hidden talents.

Service Design – improving experiences

Service Design is a method that focuses on improving and creating better user experiences. The primary goal of Service Design is to ensure cohesive, useful, and valuable services that meet customer needs. This approach takes into account the entire service lifecycle and all touchpoints between the service (or company) and the customer.

The Service Design process focuses on understanding customers’ needs and goals, analyzing processes and touchpoints, prototyping, and testing new solutions. This method allows for the design of personalized and tailored services, leading to better customer experiences.

Key differences between LEGO Serious Play and Service Design

Form of expression:
LEGO Serious Play uses LEGO bricks as a medium for participant expression, allowing them to create models and tell stories. On the other hand, Service Design focuses on process analysis and creating customer experience maps.

LEGO Serious Play is focused on uncovering potential and generating creative solutions, while Service Design aims to improve user experiences within services.

LEGO Serious Play is used in management, problem-solving, and building team relationships, whereas Service Design is particularly popular in the field of creating better customer experiences.

Tools and Techniques:
LEGO Serious Play utilizes LEGO bricks and symbolic expression, while Service Design employs user analysis techniques, experience mapping, and prototyping.

LEGO Serious Play and Service Design are two innovative methods designed to support creativity and improve solutions. Choosing the right method depends on the type of problem, goals, and the context in which it is being applied. Combining both approaches can deliver even greater value, enabling a comprehensive approach to designing solutions and enhancing user experiences.