LEGO® Serious Play® and engaging individuals with ADHD. Unleashing potential and supporting development

LEGO® Serious Play® and engaging individuals with ADHD. Unleashing potential and supporting development

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a condition that affects concentration, thought organization, and impulse control. While it can present challenges in various aspects of life, individuals with ADHD also possess many unique traits, such as creativity, imagination, and enthusiasm. LEGO® Serious Play® is an interactive method that fosters potential discovery and engagement for individuals with ADHD.

Creating a positive environment

Utilizing the LEGO Serious Play method makes a creative work environment that is ideal for individuals with ADHD. Working with LEGO bricks allows for expression and idea articulation in three-dimensional form, which can be more accessible for individuals with ADHD than traditional methods that require text or speech focus. Participants in LEGO Serious Play sessions can build models representing their ideas, concepts, and emotions, enabling them to express themselves in a direct and engaging manner.

Movement and engaging senses

Individuals with ADHD often have a significant need for movement and engaging various senses. LSP allows for using “hand knowledge” and transferring ideas to a physical level through building models with LEGO bricks. This can help increase concentration and engagement as participants can channel their energy constructively.

Using metaphors and storytelling

One of the unique aspects of the LEGO Serious Play method is the usage of metaphors and storytelling in the creative process. Individuals with ADHD often possess vivid imaginations and the ability to think metaphorically. LSP offers them the opportunity to create models representing complex thoughts and emotions using simple bricks, facilitating better understanding and expression of ideas.

Unleashing potential

Individuals with ADHD often display unconventional thinking. LEGO Serious Play stimulates creativity and helps uncover hidden potential. Working with LEGO bricks provides the chance to explore different ideas, and out of the box solutions, leading to innovative concepts.

Focus on solutions, not problems

LEGO Serious Play workshops focus on generating solutions rather than analyzing problems. This can be beneficial to individuals with ADHD, who may have difficulty focusing on one task. Engaging in creative problem-solving can be more motivating and captivating for these individuals.

Collaboration and communication

LEGO Serious Play method encourages collaboration and communication within a group. Individuals with ADHD can benefit from working in a team, as they can share their ideas and perspectives while learning from others. Such collaboration can help complement the diverse skills and abilities of participants.

Thinking beyond traditional solutions

Individuals with ADHD often have the ability to think outside the box and find it easier to think beyond traditional frameworks. LSP encourages people to come up with new ideas.

LEGO Serious Play is a method that can bring numerous benefits to individuals with ADHD. A creative environment, sensory engagement, metaphoric thinking, focus on solutions, thinking beyond conventional approaches – these are just some of the advantages of this method. Moreover, thanks to its versatility, it can also be beneficial for neurotypical individuals and function effectively in various teams.